Social Media Has Mixed Reactions To Vanna White Hosting ‘Wheel Of Fortune’
As we reported last month, Pat Sajak had to undergo emergency surgery to correct a blocked intestine. Since he was set to be out for two weeks, Vanna White stepped in to host Wheel Of Fortune.
Although the shows were taped last month, they are just beginning to air. Many viewers are hitting social media to give their opinions on how Vanna White is doing, and there is a mix of reactions. Some are calling White awkward, some are defending her, and some are just cracking jokes about the show in general. Read some of the best tweets below.
Some of y’all watching Vanna White hosting Wheel of Fortune while Pat’s out sick might be shell-shocked. But this is nothing new for those of us that owned the computer game. Old news.
— Simone Scott (@Simone_Scott) December 10, 2019
Vanna seems uncomfortableas host and it’s making it awkward to watch #wheeloffortune
— CMD (@ibed77) December 10, 2019
Y'all saying Vanna is awkward on her first day as though Pat isn't still super awkward 36 seasons later #wheeloffortune
— fuck the two party system (@imnotfunnydude) December 10, 2019
Everything about #wheeloffortune tonight is an acid trip.
— Ted Tucker (@TheTedTucker) December 10, 2019
Some of yall complain about not getting a promotion after a year or two. Vana White patiently waited 40 years to finally get promoted to host WOF, and smiled every damned day. #wheeloffortune
— Most Randomish (@MostRandomish) December 10, 2019
Vanna hosting. Get it girl! #WheelOfFortune
— Chryl Laird (@chryllaird) December 10, 2019
You know humanity has to suck when people feel the need to pick on Vanna, who's helping out a dear friend. You jerks make me so flippin' mad!!! #wheeloffortune
— Linzy 🐠 (@VeryLinzy) December 10, 2019
I think Watching #WheelOfFortune right now is not a good time to take drugs. Because you'll be so freaked out seeing Vanna standing where Pat use to stand. Then seeing Minnie Mouse standing where #Vanna usually stands. I think even Snoop Dog will feel like he smoked too much pot!
— Evan Van (@MadAnter) December 10, 2019
I know the haters on social media won't like this, but I thought @TheVannaWhite did a very good job for her first time hosting with only a short notice. I'm sure she will improve in future episodes, first time doing something new can be nervewacking. #wheeloffortune
— Nathan Young ❄️☮️💜💙🧡 (@nvyoung) December 10, 2019
How is #wheeloffortune not trending with @TheVannaWhite hosting? I feel like I'm in an alternate timeline! Also now I want to see @patsajak take a swing at working the letter board...
— Jason Talks Movies (@thejsmiller) December 10, 2019
How is #wheeloffortune not trending with @TheVannaWhite hosting? I feel like I'm in an alternate timeline! Also now I want to see @patsajak take a swing at working the letter board...
— Jason Talks Movies (@thejsmiller) December 10, 2019
Chile vanna hosts for the first time in decades and yall drag her as uncomfortable and awkward as if pat doesn't stand there looking constipated every week. #wheeloffortune
— pook (@mascnemesis) December 10, 2019
Wheel Of Fortune airs weeknights on CBS.