Get In the Mood For Fall With Pumpkin Spice Toilet Time Wipes… Wait, What?
The fall season is on the way, which heralds the arrival of pumpkin spice EVERYTHING. Lattes, candles, butt wipes, cooki-wait what was that last one again? Yes, pumpkin spice-scented wipes are here thanks to the man-centric personal care company Dude Wipes. And here’s the best part: they’re called DUMPkin Spice! Try and top that, Starbucks!
Dude Wipes gained mainstream notoriety in 2015 when the founders appeared on Shark Tank (note: I’ve been advised by my editor not to make a hilarious pun here with a word that sounds like “shark”). They ended up getting an investment from Mark Cuban worth $300,000 for a 25% stake in their company. This deal would pay dividends for the company as they gained countless sponsorships and even a distribution deal with Walmart. But I assume that DUMPkin Spice wipes were always the endgame. The company even Pumpkin 🎃 Spice, DUDE.
It seems that the novelty butt papers don’t go on sale officially until September 5th, however, you’re able to place orders on their website right now. Dude Wipes claims that with this new addition to their product line you can, “keep your butt cozy with a mix of clove, nutmeg, and other fall scents.” Yep, those are all things that should definitely go near your keister.
It sounds like a joke product, and let’s face it, it kind of is. But if the reviews are anything to go on, Dude Wipes knows what they’re doing when it comes to self-care for the derriere. The pumpkin spice wipes could prove to be a fun but effective stocking stuffer for the holiday season. It’s safe to say that DUMPkin Spice wipes are the stupidest, most ridiculous thing that I absolutely plan to spend hundreds of dollars on.