Woman’s Boyfriend ‘Embarrassed’ To Be Seen With Her Because of Her Style
For some, fashion is a way to express your individuality to the world. But one woman has revealed that her boyfriend told her he was “embarrassed” about the way she dressed, sparking online outrage.
Sharing her experience on Reddit’s “Am I The A–hole [AITA]” community, this woman explained what happened in a post titled: “AITA for dressing in a way that was ’embarrassing’ for my boyfriend?”
The Redditor user @bttrwtrmln penned: “So I’m a girl. I love to dress up on my days off, because I work full time and I just personally find it fun. One day, I wore a loose, thick, purple, sweater dress with a jack o lantern on it, striped white and black leggings, with some doc marten boots and a black bow in my hair to go out for errands. I have curly hair with bangs.”
She said that her boyfriend “remarked I looked like a Tim Burton character, and side eyed me. He was making comments on being embarrassed to go out with me the whole day. He told me to please not go out like that again, and that I was being embarrassing.”
She added that he didn’t want to go to a store “where people would recognize us. I felt bad and he got a bit upset with me and my ensemble. We live somewhere where everyone wears shorts and tank tops, so it’s definitely sticking out a bit. AITA for embarrassing my boyfriend by dressing in that way?”
Commenting on the post, other Redditors were horrified by the boyfriend’s actions, with one user writing, “I’m a firm believer that there’s a time and place for everything when it comes to outfits, but I can’t for the life of me understand why he would repeatedly berate you over a completely innocuous outfit when y’all went to the store.” Another person agreed, adding, “YEAH I GET IT IF….. you’re going to spend time at an event that has a dress code or something… but just doing errands? Wear what makes you… you.”
One person who dressed up in a fun way offered their experience writing, “I wore a shorter dress with a bunch of video game characters all over it for a ton of shopping days and my then partner said nothing. I got maybe 2 looks? No one cares as much as he thinks they do.”
Others suggested the woman should dump the boyfriend and be with someone who would appreciate her style, with on user writing, “Ditch the bf, plenty of dudes out there that would be over the moon if their gf dressed like a Tim burton character on their day off. Find someone who builds you up rather than tearing you down,” while another wrote, “Get a boyfriend who accepts and values you for who you are. There’s nothing wrong with how you dress, you’re expressing who you are. Generic is boring!