Wendy Williams Confirms Tamar Braxton & David Adefeso Are Still Together, Explains Singer’s Instagram Erasure
Wendy Williams recently confirmed that singer and reality TV star Tamar Braxton is in fact still with her boyfriend, David Adefeso, and she also explained why Braxton erased all of her photos from Instagram, as we previously reported.
Williams said that Braxton go in contact with her and that she said, “She’s still with David.” The audience initially didn’t clap after Williams’ confirmation. However, the talk show host said, “Excuse me, you can clap and be happy for her.”
“She didn’t like the way her old social media looks, and that’s why she got rid of everything. She didn’t like David being there so much,” Williams explained.
“She wants to have a private life that’s private…She and Logan are still thick as mother and son. David is still in the picture.”
Williams also said that while Braxton was on the phone with her she was on the set of a new upcoming hair show and that the singer said as far as she knows Braxton Family Values is still ongoing.