Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Tekashi69 has been released from prison early, as gossip site TMZ reports. On Thursday (Apr. 2), a judge signed off on the Brooklyn rapper's request to be released in an attempt to void infection from the coronavirus.
The judge agreed that Tekashi 6ix9ine should be granted a compassionate release, which was immediately effective. Tekashi was released from the New York facility where the rapper has been held. In lieu of serving the remainder of his two-year sentence behind bars, Tekashi will do it while at home and will be on supervised release. During the first four months of Tekashi's home incarceration, he will have a GPS monitor. The rapper must also remain at an address that is approved by his probation officer.
Tekashi69 may only leave the residency if needs to seek necessary medical treatment or visit his lawyer. However, Tekashi must receive pre-approval from the Probation Department.
Initially, the judge denied Tekashi's request because he said he didn't have the power to release the embattled rapper. The judge then directed 6ix9ine's legal team to file a request with the Bureau of Prisons and said that they were the ones who could garner the rapper an early release. However, that department told the rapper' s legal team that they couldn't be of any assistance because Tekashi was located in a private facility under the surveillance of the U.S. Marshals Service, instead of a BOP facility.
Prosecutors said that they didn't have any objections to Tekashi's compassionate release as long as the judge found that were "extraordinary and compelling reasons" due to the rapper's medical conditions that'd place him at high risk during the COVID-19 outbreak.